NNAS - PAID! Documents Pending...

I paid for my NNAS application!

I finally bit the bullet and paid the ghastly fee ($913 CAD, or $650 USD plus taxes) to embark on this long journey to get my Nursing degree assessed by NNAS.

The payment was a whole palaver in itself.

I had the money, but NNAS only take credit cards.
I'm so used to being able to pay with everything with my debit card back in the UK.

What a nightmare! (The start of many nightmares to come, I am sure).

As I didn't want to apply for a credit card (I don't want any more debt full stop, even if it's only temporary) - I thought of the loop hole in the Canadian system. Whenever I have gone to pay for something in a store and used my UK bank card, they said they had to process it as a credit card, or it wouldn't work. *Aha-Moment Alert* - Hey, why don't I just transfer the money for this NNAS application from my Canadian bank to my UK account.

And like magic (well, not so much magic as the transfer via OFX UK took so much longer than expected) I managed to pay the NNAS fee!

NNAS - The Required Documents

Following the payment, the application I filled out a few months ago suddenly had a whole new page called 'forms' which entailed additional forms to be filled out.

In addition, there now is a lovely orange tab on the application on my dashboard which says; 'Waiting for required items (Click here to check the status of all your required documents)'.

I clicked here - Waiting for the required items screen:

The NNAS 'Waiting for required items' page. The black boxes contain my personal information. They entail the respective information; My licence number, employers and the school I attended for my nursing degree.
The NNAS 'Waiting for required items' page. The black boxes contain my personal information. They entail the respective information; My licence number, employers and the school I attended for my nursing degree.

The Breakdown...

  • Identity Documents - Notarized documents are required for this.
  • License / Registration Documents - NNAS form labeled 'Nursing Registration Form'. It includes address and details from application form. Page 1 needs to be signed by the applicant, and then whole form mailed (including the signed page) licensing body. Once completed by the licensing body, they need to send the forms directly to the NNAS.
  • Employer Verification Documents - NNAS form labeled 'Nursing Practice/Employment Form'. There are separate sections for each employer (includes address and details from application form). Page 1 is required to be signed by the applicant then sent to each employer. Once completed by the employer, they need to send the forms directly to the NNAS.
  • Professional School Documents - NNAS form labeled 'Nursing Education Form'. It includes address and details from application form. Page 1 needs to be signed by the applicant, and then whole form mailed (including the signed page) any education noted from the original application form. Once completed by school, they need to send the forms directly to the NNAS.
  • Fingers crossed that I won't have to do any language tests!

To get the ball rolling I have:

  1. Paid for NNAS - April 12th, 2019.
  2. Had my passport and driving license notarized by a lawyer (Cost: $30 and took 30 minutes).
  3. Typed Cover letters. I have written personalized cover letters for everything I send out. The cover letter details what is in the document and what required from each place. My personal contact information will be included - in hopes that they can reach out to me with any questions they may have to avoid any errors. In addition, I have highlighted the importance of them sending documents in official envelopes with official logos/stamps straight to NNAS (I've read too many stories of applications being delayed because this was not done).
  4. Emailed my employers to ask them for the postal address of the necessary person to send the documentation to as it appears to be a lot of HR required information.
  5. Email sent my school asking them how to proceed in getting the required information from them.
  6. Emailed NNAS - as I accidentally included one of my employers twice (oops). I have written to NNAS to see if they can delete it off the application. It appears that applicants cannot delete anything from the application.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I paid for the application, sent emails and wrote cover letters all in one evening. Can you tell how quickly I want this to be over already?!

Who knows if any of my ball rolling tactics will make my application a little more smooth sailing.

I guess we will soon find out...




What I Have Found Out So Far (inclusive of a little rant)...