Applying to be a Nurse in Canada? NNAS, Education, NCLEX...

Hello International Nurses,

If you don't know where to start in your application process in applying to become a nurse in Canada, please watch the video below. The video talks you through the steps you will have to take to become a nurse in Canada. Some steps can vary from province to province, but all international nurses must complete NNAS and NCLEX to get a full license in Canada. Please note, my experience in duration is limited to British Columbia.


*I will be transitioning from International Nurse in Canada to The Nursing Trail when I am able to provide resources for IEN's.. but first, I must study for the NCLEX!


If you have any questions, feel free to comment down below.


I Passed the NCLEX! International Nurse with Full License in BC!


*NEW* Pathway to Apply for Permanent Resident (PR) || Information for Workers in Canada