I Passed the NCLEX! International Nurse with Full License in BC!

I mentioned in a previous post http://internationalnurseincanada.com/international-nurse-working-in-canada-how-long-did-it-take/ that I had my provisional license here in BC, Canada. The requirements on my provisional license was that I must pass the NCLEX-RN exam one year after my provisional license was issued. Please note: that many employers do hire on provisional licenses, so you are able to apply and work as an RN in full capacity on a provisional license.

The NCLEX-RN felt very scary in many ways as I'd never sat this type of exam before. I was putting it off so much, and planning to take the full year to actually sit the NCLEX. But, I really quickly got tired of having this last 'hurdle' hanging over me. So, I decided to sit the exam sooner rather than later.

I am so glad I took the plunge. Because, today, I come with the great news that


I passed the NCLEX!


This means I now have my 'full', active registration and the requirements were removed from my registration. If I'm totally honest, it feels so surreal! No more waiting for anything!! I am a full, licensed RN here in Canada and nothing is standing in my way any more!

My NCLEX experience will be written up soon, and I will also include some information that will hopefully save you some time. But for now, I just wanted to share this with you, if I can do it, so can you... You got this!!


My NCLEX-RN Experience in Canada!


Applying to be a Nurse in Canada? NNAS, Education, NCLEX...