NCAS - CBA Assessment is Back?!

I took a months long break from obsessively checking the NCAS website for updates regarding when assessments will start taking place again.

Today, I had the realization that I haven't checked for any updates since the end of April. After this realization, I loaded up both NCAS and Prometric websites. Prometric is the company that provides the Computer Based Assessment (CBA) element of the NCAS assessment.

Prometric Update (for CBA)

TO MY SURPRISE the Prometric website informed of the following:

SO OF COURSE I check the essential services programs and LOOK WHAT I FOUND:

I clicked on the link to see if NCAS was available to start from May 1 and IT WAS:

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! I could have got this show on the road since May 1st!?!


Okay okay, I was getting a little ahead of myself. So, after I saw this I immediately logged on to the NCAS website and they have updated their 'latest news':

Assessment update on the NCAS website

What great news! As of JUNE 1st, the testing centers are reopening in Canada AND the US! (Hopefully more world wide too!)

BUT an issue I currently have is that the only update I've received from Prometric was in response to my inquiry email at the beginning of April. Prometric informed that either they would reschedule my exam, or my eligibility ID (used to book the exam) would be reactivated so I could reschedule myself.

Naturally, I was previously checking daily (sometimes even twice a day) to see if I could reschedule with my 'reactivated eligibility ID'. But, the following message STILL keeps coming up:

The frustrating message after trying to reschedule my NCAS CBA exam

With this, I sent a quick follow up email this morning to both Prometric and NCAS find out what's going on / next steps to take. I'm really hoping that there has been movement for some IENs!

NCAS Update (For SLA / OA)

The other clinical element of the NCAS assessment, the Simulation Lab Assessment (SLA) and Oral Assessment (OA), are still on hold as the campus at Langara College (where the assessments take place) is closed.

Though, I'm staying positive that we'll get some dates soon! As the NCAS website says they are working on a resumption plan to be able to provide the exam safely.

Assessment Soon, I Hope!

My fingers are crossed in hopes that the rescheduling of assessments happens sooner rather than later, so that I (and anyone else who's waiting) has something to work towards! Let's get getting these licences back on track!

I guess it is now time for me to get back to some studying...


NCAS CBA: Computer Based Assessment - COMPLETE!


NCAS Cancelled - To Study or Not to Study